
full design + build

This client needed a full redesign and rebuild.

My team’s job was to match the marketing of our clients in order to reach their goals. This client needed a lot of communication from my team and we had to give a lot to make the details come together. In the end, we came out on top of a great project with integration to their HubSpot, full blog migration, new branding, ADA Compliance, and SEO optimized.


The Ethico team was changing their brand, needed an updated look, and wanted a higher functioning website that would process leads into their marketing systems.


My team organized their content, updated the design, integrated with their marketing tools, and delivered on a tight timeline.

Goals + Accomplishments

Their primary business goals were to increase traffic to the “Request a Demo” page, to develop their resources more strategically, and to showcase their product offerings.

Their main user group is trying to understand the service most beneficial to their industry role, find how Ethico’s service would help them with their duties, and schedule a demo for more interaction.

We accomplished these goals by giving multiple routes through “user role” pages to express value to the user and present the “Request Demo” page as their most prominent need. We organized Ethico’s articles and resources by type and built them with like taxonomies to be easily digestible and searchable to the user. We also paired resources with the service offerings to show the client’s expertise and value for the user and their industry. This project was about establishing trust and authority for the client’s brand with their desired audience.

Tools 🛠️

  • Figma
  • Elementor
  • HubSpot

Team 🤘🏼

  • 1 UX designer
  • 2 developers
  • 1 project manager

My Role 👾

  • UX design
  • UX research
  • Developer

My Design Process

Design Brief

During our meetings, we discussed why their current site wasn’t working for them. They had a lot of content, but no method or goals for it. It was clear how we could establish a flow for their general user to accomplish the goal they wanted.

We discussed what success looked like to them from a content and brand standpoint. Then we moved towards their goals for users and who would be visiting their site.

Next Steps

After receiving approval on the designs from the client and their team, we started our development phase. My team built in WordPress using the Elementor page builder. One of my developers built out the initial pages, and I developed the rest in order to reach our deadlines and to preserve his bandwidth for other projects.


Ethico taught me that creatives win as a team and lose as a team. Everyone has a part in missing details or ideating something great. There is no excuse or place for me to hide if I’m owning my product. This project had some really low points, but we, as a creative team, pushed through and had hard conversations to reach our goal and own our outcome.


I learned that communication from the beginning is crucial. My team did a great job, but building trust with the client was challenging.


Digging into existing systems would have saved my team a lot of time. There was not as much planning as there could have been, which lead to frustrations.


I saw how even through a hard project, I can change my team’s outlook. There were struggles from the beginning, but we addressed them and we moved forward.